How it started: For most of us, it is now summer! Which means staying up late, sleeping in, and no school! Overall, this gives us lots and lots of free time to do what we want. Probably the worst summer days are when we spend the whole day bored and lazy. For me, this is usually a day of TV and electronics, which while this can be fun sometimes, is not how I want to spend my whole summer. My best friends and I both agreed that we wanted to make more of our summer days, so we came up with a solution, our very own "Best friends Summer Bucket-list." It would be a list of things to complete over the summer together to keep us busy. Creating the list was about as much fun as completing it would be. We started by listing some things we wanted to do together...simple things: go hiking, pull an all-nighter, get a perfect tan...etc. As we continued, the ideas became more exciting and crazy, things that would take a little more effort to complete: have a powdered paint fight, tie dye bed sheets, walk barefoot an entire day, buy t-shirts and walk around downtown letting people sign get the idea! Soon, we had a long list of about 45 "tasks." We wrote them down on white paper in a checklist style, and all signed the lists, agreeing to complete them by the end of summer. Then, we hung them in our rooms, where they could be easily noticed.   

Completing it: This was the most fun part, but also it is slightly tricky, depending on the list. If you are doing a "bestfriend summer bucketlist" opposed to simply a  "summer bucketlist" then you will be completing everything obviously with other people. For every thing we completed on our list, all four of us (Tatum, Aine, Brynn, and I) had to be available to hangout. Luckily, we are all going on vacactions around the same time and have sports the same time so it wasn't a huge issue. Secondly, it can cost some money to complete the things. Since there was four of us, we all contributed to supplies we needed to buy. Overall though, its about having fun everyday! Here is a slide show of things we have completed so far. We have much more to do, but hopefully by the end of summer we will be done!
8/19/2013 11:49:43 pm

please do other blog posts they inspire me

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